This seems obvious but Bushiroad has a serious problem. Actually no, they don't have a problem, they have an addiction, and its called GR rarity.
And its singly handily killing this amazing game.
That is a bold statement, I know, but you know what. Look around. Card prices are rising. $25 for Conquest Dragon, Saint Blow at $22 minimum, $25 Big Crunch Dragon's, $45-60, yes, $60 for one copy of Lambros. That's insane. I started playing this game around the time of Break Ride, and while expensive cards weren't rare to me (Meer/Reit deck), they also didn't need a separate extra deck for it to be functional, and no card really reaches past $30-$40 during that era, nor did they need another copy for it to even work (Casual play). Now though? Welcome to the world of a $50 card that is useless without another $50 copy.
See, the cards I listed above aren't cancerous, its what a RRR should be, powerful, albeit not broken (Lambros is close to breaking that though) and plentiful, they are as rare as each other, just like any RRR. Hard to get, but not too impossible. And while the prices and availability can sometimes be a detriment (Looking at you again, Lambros), its wasn't a terrible decision to have RRR persona's. Then Bushiroad got greedy, and we got GR.
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The birth place |
Ten. There are ten different GR's in existence at this point in time. Chronoscommand Dragon, Primavera, Phantom Blaster Dragon, Amnesty Messiah, Olivia, Mikazuki (Touken Ranbu), Nextage, Aurageyser Doomed, Eigorg & the newest one Excelics Messiah.
When GR's were first shown, they weren't a bad idea. Chronoscommand and Primavera were 1-2 of that didn't need a persona flip. Heck, they weren't even required, did they help? Sure, but you didn't "Need" to use them. That word "Need" is very important here, The definition that google gives sums it up perfectly:
"require (something) because it is essential or very important."
Those two aren't "needed" and aren't essential or important either. And it showed in the prices. $12 for Chronocommand and sub $10 for Primavera. This is how GR's should be, not something that is essential or needed, but something that gives a deck a different flavor, an upbeat if you will. Its too bad it didn't stay like this though.
People think that the greed started with G-BT03 with Amnesty and Phantom Blaster, and really they're right. Amnesty was really good, amazingly good and functioned so well with Big Crunch that in some ways its almost broken. PBD was another interesting card, a little more niche, but good nonetheless. People proclaimed and cheered because GR's were finally good and not crap (Lets face it, first two are pretty terrible). But wait a minute here? Two GR's in a set?
$30 a piece for PBD and currently $45 for Amnesty. A hell of a drastic price increase, wouldn't you say? Of course it is. Why? Supply and demand. In G-BT01 and 2, there was only one GR, with the same pull rate as any RRR, maybe a tiny bit rarer, now you'll be lucky to three of a certain GR in a case. A CASE!!!, 16 boxes. Increase of GR's, but the pull rate for them haven't increased.
It gets worse though. Academy of Divas came out, and Bermuda fans everywhere rushed to the store to grab them (I know I did), but they weren't the only one. Scalpers were in the game too. Everybody wanted those alternate arts, legs, gotta have them. But seriously, it was because of Olivia.
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Most expensive Vanguard card....Ever |
Now, this isn't a rant on SP's, they're fine, for the most part. I'd "Love" to have easier access to SP's of alternate arts, but I digress. What F***ing pisses me off are persona GR's. Yes, Olivia was the first persona GR printed. And it's actual bullshit. Just having one, unlike Amnesty or Chronoscommand is useless. Absolutely useless. It sits there, collecting dust. I feel sorry for any poor chap who likes playing bermuda, buys a few packs just to pull an Olivia, go home, see the prices to buy more and just sets it aside and walks away. $60 is a lot to drop on one card, especially buying one just so the one you have can function. Don't even get me started on buying four.
There is no excuse. Same for Nextage, its greedy, supports pay to win and makes a semi cheap card game into Yugioh. And we all know how Yugioh is now. This wouldn't be as bad if they weren't mandatory, but Olivia is mandatory. A four of in all bermuda decks. It is "Needed". So is Nextage, he is "Needed" as well. These pay to win persona GR's need to stop. They will break this game, I can already see it coming, people will quit over this. But you know what, this isn't even as bad as the next card.
Excelics Messiah is the biggest cash grab and money hike this game has ever seen. A GR that needs to Persona flip another GR (Original Amnesty)....What the actual F*** Bushiroad, you greedy F***s. Not only that, it needs "ANOTHER" original Amnesty in the G-zone just to pay the cost. So pretty much, to even use Excelics, you "Need" to have another original Amnesty in the G-zone, then you can persona the other original Amnesty just to use it. That's 3 GR's, $150 average, just to use one card. F*** off bushiroad you F***s. Whoever came up with this needs to be fired immediately. This is how games like Vanguard die.
Regular, normal GR's are okay if there's only one per set, multiple regular GR's in a set is pushing the limit, persona GR's are idiotic and a cash grab and GR's that need to persona a different GR's are F*****ing moronic and need to die. For the sake of this game I love, they need to die, or go back to the former.
This has been a hell of a rant and I'll catch you surface dwellers later.
I know the feeling dude and what ticks me off the most is that they did reprint amnesty but as a secret rare I just hope (it may not happen) but I hope amnesty AND nextage get reprints and a rarity decrease as of now amnesty is like 80 to 90 bucks a pop on TCG player.
ReplyDeleteHey, thanks for the comment.
DeleteSame. And maybe it will, seeing how Olivia is being reprinted. Bushi might be learning a big lesson here.
oh I play messiahs (but no amnesty) but I have 4 big crunch for a steal anyway I can't wait to read more of your ariticles on here really informative and enjoyable
Deleteamnesty did get a reprint in GBT 08 absolute judgement.
ReplyDeleteThe rate is only slightly better, but its a good first step. Same for the other reprints.