And to note, I won't be covering stuff like Olivia.dek, Madre or Alk, those aren't sub-clan's nor archetypes. Also no Pacifica because no confirmed support (Will make a new post if she's confirmed) Good, now lets start...
Help her today |
What does Coral need? A miracle, cause damn does this deck do a lot of nothing. First of all, get rid of the ride chain, vanilla units are not good. Give it the Enigman treatment, except with effects that match today's standard's. Second, throw out all the support cards, they're absolute garbage. This, this, and this are all terrible, save for maybe the 11k poke from the last card.
But here in-lies the problem, with only so many cards in CB07, and so many decks being supported, I highly doubt anything will be solved for Coral, plus I didn't even talk about the terrible strides. But to answer the question as bluntly as possible, just A) Give her a great G3 (Maybe a strider?), B) a powerful finishing stride, rear guards that don't minus themselves for a CC (Seriously, a lot of decks chew out CC for free, why does Coral gotta minus for 1?), and C) Combo's that don't end up with just a +1 or crossride (Which is drastically weak in comparison to today's standard's of power-creep).
After all that, maybe she won't be such hot fire. Maybe.
Her favorite ice cream flavor is Vanilla |
Just like Coral, this deck needs the Enigman treatment, but it also needs to act like Bermuda and bounce without having to rely on Spica or Olivia. Its incredible susceptible to control, you might as well play with your whole field locked. The deck also needs to move away from Legion, its a dead mechanic unless you're D-Robo's. A new G3 that can call Riviere's from deck and/or power them up would be great. Also, having the new stride (Trois) not be An overpriced,under-powered and garbage "Restander/Nextage" would be great too. Maybe even having a way to increase rear-guard attacks and power them up would be great too.
Definitely keep that early plus engine in there. Its one of the decks very few good points, just make it more consistent and not reliant on a ride chain.
All about that luck |
If her deck is going to stick to the luck of drive checking a G3/Raindear, it needs skills to match that risk factor. Its so much fun when you check neither and do absolutely nothing all turn, right? Yeah, no, and while that in itself should change, that's also taking away what Raindear is all about, risk VS reward, except the reward is trash. Rewards like this, this and this are incredible mediocre for the risk of not checking your G3's.
The deck needs a stride that can push many more attacks/power for checking a 3, it needs rears that can potentially CC2/SC2 for checking a 3, it needs a new G3 that isn't 5+ years old that can make getting a G3 easier by potentially giving your VG an extra check. The whole point is to both make it easier to check a 3 and to make the rewards more expansive than what the deck currently has. Even a way to pressure the opponent, making them scared that you'll check a 3, by giving a skill that can increase critical/power/attacks if you check one during that battle would go a long way to stabilizing and pushing the deck higher.
Saved by the Alex
Instead of separating them, I've decided to just do Harmony as a whole. Now, what do they need? Surprisingly, not as much as the other decks already listed. They definitely need a good first stride, this doesn't cut it back when it released, and it certainly doesn't cut now. It needs a stride on the level of this (Well, the whole clan does) to not lose any pressure what-so-ever. Harmony's first stride needs to be explosive right out of the gate and the former stride doesn't even come close to doing that.
Harmony also needs to stop relying on her for CC and SC, she's completely awful and only ran because we're forced to run it. Its time Harmony got there own CC/SC that a lot of G decks got 1.5-2 years ago, except updated for the current power-creep levels. While we're at it, Harmony needs more bonuses for being in harmony and an easier way to return cards to hand at the EoT. Sure, Lauris can just bounce them on stride, but Shizuku cannot (Which is why Lauris is superior), but we're playing BT, we shouldn't have to leave our rears at the mercy of our opponent (Prisms understand this mentally) when we actually need them to re-harmonize next turn.
At the end of the day, Harmony has some good stuff, but they need greater stuff, a much better first stride, a way to bounce at the end of turn and for the love of Messiah, if I see another one of this, this, this and especially this, I'ma go Ultra Instinct on Kidani (I finally got to use that line, sue me)
The hell are resources |
What does Chouchou need? The green and orange symbols, also called resource, god damn, management.
I'm not even being coy, ChouChou has a lot of potential to be very potent and strong, but are easily stopped because everything in the clan costs counter blasts and/or soul, without any consistent way to gain the resource back. So once you're out, you play the vanilla game, which makes this deck lose almost all momentum gained up to this point. This is the #1 problem that needs to be solved. Just having a Ricca made for ChouChou or even another G1/2 that can both CC and SC will go a very long way.
Besides that, they need more strides that follow through with the mechanic. Bouncing doesn't really do much for this deck, besides maybe setting up the free stride of Tirua, but that's just one skill on one card. Having one or two more ChouChou specific strides will help flesh out the G-zone a lot more (Maybe even a restander ala Gearnext) and help make the deck much more consistent and not reliant on bouncing where it doesn't need to be wasting time doing so.
Finally, lets get more cards that aren't a wash like this, this, this, this and this, and instead, get cards that actually go +1. Washes aren't what makes a deck powerful, its hard plusses, and no, moving a card from field to hand isn't a plus.
Overall though, I have hopes for ChouChou, they have a decent base, they just need to move into the standard of today's game.
Why did you fail us, Miku |
And now, onto one of my favorite decks in Bermuda, Duo's. What do they need? Cards like this...oh, excuse me, I misplaced my god awful, disgusting and smelly garbage, my bad. Here you go ...oh wait, this is also my disgusting garbage, my bad guys, I can't seem to find any good Duo cards.
Seriously though, they need to actually move into 2018, and not be stuck in 2015. First off, a strider is 100% needed, unless they get a nextage clone to take advantage of this, and even then, we can also get a G3 that can be a strider, while also taking advantage of Meer, just like Chatnoir got. Absolutely no reason why Duo's didn't get it last year, but this year has to be it.
On top of that, they need rear guards that aren't stuck in 2014. When this is your best G2, you've got a huge problem. Also no, Thames isn't the best G2 nor is Cornet, even though the latter is decent, its still set-up reliant. (And before I go on, while the Ange spam deck works, its highly inconsistent and only works because LJ is high in the meta, but I won't be talking about that deck barring this)
The deck also needs to move away from Peace. I know that's hard to hear, but as long as Peace sticks around, Bushi's gonna dance around it, making support worse overall for Duo's, unless they just don't give a shit anymore, which would be nice, but following patterns, I am not gonna believe for a second they'll do that.
In general, Duo's need better, more up-to-date rear guards, a much better stride (Hopefully Meer is that), an update to the G3 line-up, so we aren't playing LB4 cards anymore, and deck filtering, so even if we lose are pieces, we can still get them back without legion-ing, just like what Mura's have (Don't underestimate Mura's, they can be pretty deadly).
Also, most importantly, we need an Iori retrain. This is highly crucial. Its a make or break for the deck, seriously (Not serious).
So close |
We've come to the final deck, Prisms. What do they need? Really, they just need some more good cards. Nothing fancy, no opening jokes, they're already decent, with a good base, just not up-to-date with the current meta and standard for the game.
First off, just like Duo's, a G3 strider is 100% needed, this should've happened in CB05, but it needs to happen here. Second, just better G2's. Celtic is still nice, but is really showing her age now, just like Rhone. Ayari is...decent compared to what Bermuda has to offer, but we need to take it up two notches and just get stronger rears. The deck also needs more CB free cards, as the deck can be very CB heavy to the point of bricking without having a Leyte on board/in hand.
They also need just one stride. You know the one, that special one card that makes a deck complete, that you go into to end games, when you're in trouble, something like Alexandros or Overwhelm, and while this can be said for every BT deck on this list, Prisms are the only one that -just- need that one card and nothing more, mostly. I'm hoping Garnet is that, but even if she isn't, the G-zone is already filled with good cards (Too filled seeing as we don't have enough space for them all), its the main deck that needs work.
And I know a certain someone is gonna say this, and yes, a Prisms Spica would be pretty fantastic. This deck's big issue is naming. Spica is so good in the deck, but gets in the way of it being 100% guaranteed inclusion. Same for the fodder. Once we get those, we're pretty set. The deck could also use more draw power without burning resources, but that's easily doable.
Overall, Prisms is the easiest to satisfy and really only need a few cards, compared to the rest, to get what they need, and to maybe become a force like they used to be in the past.
The question remains though, will these decks get what they need? Only Bushiroad knows, and on that note, I shall bide you, adieu, and thank you for reading, to whoever actually read's these blogs.
Catch you fishies later.
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