Shameless Plug Ins

Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Blessing of Divas: Brawlz's Rarity Assumption

Sup guys, BK here. First off, hence forth, I shall be known as BK. Why? Cause it sounds as cool as a deep lake dive outside my house. Yes guys, I have a lake outside my house. And yes its filled with mermaid girls, all for me. None for you.

Anyways, that brings up today's blog. Mermaid = Bermuda = Clan Booster = BK guessing the rarity for (most) the cards. So lets get to it!!

Includes 45 cards (1 GR, 5 RRR, 7 RR, 14 R and 18 C) + 1 SGR (Parallel) card + 13 SP cards + 
13 WSP (Wedding SP) cards.

  1. GR - Lauris (Pretty obvious)
  2. RRR (1) - Coral Stride (This)
  3. RRR (2) - Prism Stride* (Sunshine Vert)
  4. RRR (3) - Prism G3 (Non Sunshine)
  5. RRR (4) - Backup to Lauris/Harmony
  6. RRR (5) - G2 Harmony Unit (Similar to this)
  7. RR (1) - Duo stride 
  8. RR (2) - G Guardian  
  9. RR (3) - Raindear Revival Legion** (This)
  10. RR (4) - Coral G2 Support 
  11. RR (5) - Lauris Glimmer Clone
  12. RR (6) - Garland Blossom, Ayna (This)
  13. RR (7) - Harmony PG
  14. R (1) - Harmony Stride
  15. R (2) - Rare G Guardian***
  16. R (3) - Rare Backup Harmony G3
  17. R (4) - Prism G2 (Sunshine)
  18. R (5) - Prism G2 (Non Sunshine)
  19. R (6) - Duo G2 
  20. R (7) - Harmony G2 Support
  21. R (8) - Lauris Pir (G1) Clone
  22. R (9) - Prism G1 (Sunshine)
  23. R (10) - Prism G1 (Non Sunshine)
  24. R (11) - Duo G1
  25. R (12) - Coral G1 Support
  26. R (13) - Rare PG (Prism PG)
  27. R (14) - Prism Crit****
  28. C (1) - Harmony G3 Backup
  29. C (2) - Generic V/R G3 Backup
  30. C (3) - Harmony G2 Support
  31. C (4) - Harmony G2 Support
  32. C (5) - Pacifica G2 Support*****
  33. C (6) - Pacifica G1 Support
  34. C (7) - Harmony G1 Support
  35. C (8) - Harmony G1 Support
  36. C (9) - Duo G1 
  37. C (10) - Duo G1
  38. C (11) - Prism G1
  39. C (12) - Generic G1
  40. C (13) - Generic G1
  41. C (14) - Generic G1
  42. C (15) - Crit Trigger
  43. C (16) - Fundy Reprint
  44. C (17) - Stand Trigger
  45. C (18) - Heal Trigger

* Sunshine is the "Idol" name of the new Vert (And her companions) that might be a sort of second team of Prisms (Aka Deck). The other team is (Most likely) the ones from when the set was first shown off (Similar to the Promise team)
**I am guessing that the new Raindear card will be a Legion Revival. Could very well be a G Guardian.
***Long shot, but I think will get 2 G Guardians in this set.
****BK Needs this. He neeeeeds it!!!!!!
*****It seems most if not all FC2015W cards are getting support. Pacifica was in FCW2015.

So yeah, that's my guess. Am I right? Probably not knowing my luck, but will see. I'll catch you fish fins (Sorry, I won't say that ever again) later.

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