Shameless Plug Ins

Tuesday, January 31, 2023

Finally some good food: My wishes for the next V/P Collection

 Next week is finally the time when we're -finally- getting information on the constantly teased next V/P set. As someone who doesn't like Standard, its been a long wait to finally see something for either of these formats and that time is now. 

I'll be listing out my hopes and wishes for what I want from this set (Or sets). Finally....some good fucking food.

Firstly, the V/P set I'm referring too isn't the one above. That one (At the writing of this article) is an English exclusive set. I won't say too much on my opinions on it, but I do like the idea and contents (Especially the GB side, best clan) of the product, but I'm iffy on the price point. 

Though, if this V/P Japanese product is actually just the above, for some weird reason, I will be vehemently pissed LOL. But enough nightmare fuel, time to move into my wishes for the actual V/P Japanese product.

 Not solely reprints

The one fear I have for this set is that it will be comprised of nothing but reprints for both formats. Now, that won't necessarily be a bad thing in concept as the reprints (So long as they're quality reprints) will be needed, especially in Japan, where both V and P are barely played as is for multiple reasons, one being card access. Saying that though, you lose some sense of wonder, hype and excitement when all the cards are just solely reprints. I already know the set will be mainly reprints, but that's the key here, "mainly". 

Take for example, each clan got like 9 cards, 6-7 could be reprints and the remaining 2-3 could be brand new units. Hell, I'll even take 1 brand new card per format. A new G3 and a new stride can go a long way in helping to revitalize V (Which desperately needs a shake up) and give premium players new toys to play with (Gonna suck if we get no new strides and have to wait another year for new stride toys).

Zero Arts

Something I've been wanting for a long time are the Vanguard Zero arts being printed in physical TCG form. We have gotten a few of them already with the likes of ChronoJet and Jewel Knight Ashlei, but with how amazing many of the Zero arts are, it'd be a shame the rest didn't get printed, and with the VR protection policy done and dusted, many of those cards can be reprinted with those alt arts (And no, I don't count the Japanese exclusive crit triggers, I want these in English for easy general access)



Absolute Quality Reprints

I mentioned this above, but above all else, if this is going to be a set that focuses mainly on reprints, well, it better have bloody good reprints. I'm not saying every single card reprinted needs to be expensive, but the cards themselves need to be playable at the very least, for P and V. If we do get a couple new cards, them those cards better be assisting the questionable reprint choices Bushiroad decides to make (Basskirk for GB for example. If there are no support units that makes it an actual non tier 7000 deck, don't bother). 

Same goes for strides. We don't need some random 2015/2016/2017 stride reprinted that nobody plays just because its well known. We need the cards being used -now- for people to get into. Space will most likely be limited and so every single card counts even more. 

Another thing that could use reprints would be Zeroths and Progenitors. Yes, they're not used in every deck, but on the off chance they are, they are the furthest thing from easy to obtain. They could use another reprint, Progenitors especially. Could take the opportunity to give them new arts too (Still waiting for the Bermuda Balanerena dammit).

Revitalization of V and P

This isn't specifically related to the contents of the set, but the one thing I really want to see is this set revitalize interest in the V and P formats, mainly in Japan. Its well known that they mostly play standard over at the side of the world, and I'd love to see them pick up V and P much more than they currently do. 

Luckily, Japan is poised to have a three format style team tournament soon (WGP iirc), so in conjunction with this set, I'm hoping that will be enough to revitalize interest and get many more players playing these two formats, which will only be a positive boon for us here in the west as a result. So hopefully this set is designed well enough for that to happen (Which means this set needs a LOT less weird Bushi like decisions). 

And that's it. There can be other things, but these are the biggest things I want to see. I almost feel weird being excited about a product again, and I really hope that excitement isn't just shot down immediately. I don't need a perfect set, even an adequate reprint set will be serviceable. At least this isn't a Standard set. 

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