Shameless Plug Ins

Wednesday, December 27, 2017

Divas' Festa (CB07): Guessing the Cards

I did say I was gonna make another blog post soon, but people (If people actually read this blog) probably didn't expect this soon. So, without further ado, time to guess the 12 arts shown in the poster for the set, and take a guess at what grade they'll be (Among other things)

Top left - Bottom Right

Garnet: Definitely, DEFINITELY a G4. Just like Labrador and Vert before her, its her time to become a stride (Maybe we can also get a strider after 20 million years too)

Raindear: Can go either way really. My guess is G4, as she also has 1 stride only atm, but she can also be a G3 as well.

Meer: Most likely a G4. Small chance at G3 though, but seeing as she too also has only one G4 and Reit grabbed a G4 last year, she is most likely a G4 herself too.

Shizuku: 100% a G4. Every year since CB01, she's been "Growing up", and last year was G3. If she isn't a G4, I'll eat a shoe.

Sandy: Most certainly our special effect heal. I dunno how they're gonna go with the naming of her (Hopefully all 3 sub-clan names), but she's most definitely a G0.

Aqua: Seeing as most decks lately are getting a special 10k G2 with an effect, and the original Top Idol Aqua was a 10k vanilla, its safe to assume she'll be a G2 as well. Now the question is, for what deck? (My guess is ChouChou)

Elly: PG for sure. I can't see her not being a PG, or being related to PG's in some fashion. She already has a G2, so her being a new PG (For Harmony most likely) is pretty assured.

Trois: Never expected to see her again, but nonetheless, definitely a G4 (Restander for Riviere).

Ange: You all remember this right? Yeah, Ange's definitely a G3 just like Olivia now (Now lets hope she's not as garbage)

Tirua: 95% sure its a G4. Stride fusion to be exact, just like Luard got (Just hope its more to Dragstrider in quality than Driver)

Coral: This is...tricky. On one hand, she kind of looks like a G4, but she already has 2, so she could be a new (Good) G3 for the deck, but for the sake of this blog post (And my dignity of always being right) I'll say she's a G3.

Alk: And finally, we have Alk. Her support's been a long time coming, seeing as all she has is herself, so I'm taking a guess and saying she's a G3 (Because I also believe she's Megiddo in disguise, but that's a theory for another post).

Circle of Life
So to recap:

Garnet -> G4
Raindear -> G4
Meer -> G4
Shizuku -> G4
Trois -> G4
Tirua -> G4
Ange -> G3
Coral -> G3
Alk -> G3 (Or ZR)
Aqua -> G2
Elly -> G1
Sandy -> G0

And that wraps up this, slightly quick, post. Can't wait to see how incredibly right (Wrong) I am. And do not worry, I will be back for even more Bermuda discussions...and other things in the near future.

To the one person who reads this blog, catch ya next time.

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