Shameless Plug Ins

Thursday, February 22, 2018

Divas' Festa (CB07) COTD Week #1: The Beginning

And just like that, we're back for another month of adorable cuteness. Just like last year, I'll be going through all the reveals as they come out in blog's like this, but it'll be on a weekly basis (Thursday's/Friday's), so you can look forward to that.

Now, lets get on with the first week's reveals.

Tuesday, February 6, 2018

CB07: MB Reveals (It Begins)

And just like the snowy, freezing weather up here in my home land of Canada, BT month always come back to bless (Or Haunt depending on who you ask) us. Except I love BT month (Screw the cold).

Anyways, lets start talking about the 3 cards featured in MB!!

Friday, February 2, 2018

Foil Prediction: CB07

Its ya boi, Brawlz, coming at you with a quick blog post with my guesses at the foils for CB07. Yall like the post and keep reading, ya hear?

Okay, terrible opening liners aside, lets take a quick list at the list, and take a crack at guessing what foils. (Small note, cards won't be alphabetical, we don't even know the names as of writing this post)

Thursday, January 25, 2018

Divas' Festa (CB07): What Do These Decks Need?

Dear reader, I will tell you exactly what these decks need. Now, because Bermuda has so many different sub-clan's and archetypes, I can't go fully in-depth, as that'll probably be a 100 page essay at that point (Exaggeration), but I'll cover the important details for each.

And to note, I won't be covering stuff like Olivia.dek, Madre or Alk, those aren't sub-clan's nor archetypes. Also no Pacifica because no confirmed support (Will make a new post if she's confirmed) Good, now lets start...

Wednesday, December 27, 2017

Divas' Festa (CB07): Guessing the Cards

I did say I was gonna make another blog post soon, but people (If people actually read this blog) probably didn't expect this soon. So, without further ado, time to guess the 12 arts shown in the poster for the set, and take a guess at what grade they'll be (Among other things)

Tuesday, December 26, 2017

Divas' Festa (CB07): "Holy Shit This Is Early"

Uh-huh, this is peculiar. I was actually gonna make a blog post about what decks I'm currently playing and what-not (Yasuie, Prisms and Messiah's btw), but here we are, with the next Bermuda set...only, IT'S NOT SUMMER!!!!!!